Friday, July 11, 2014

Bella, Louie & Chico

This morning all three pups went outside, then I had Louie come in for his breakfast. He ate all of it for me, like a good boy! When he was done, we went back outside. They explored and did their thing, while I refilled their food and water jugs. They kept hearing noises this morning that had Chico and Bella racing around to bark at it! I let Louie stay out for the morning, since it was nice out. This afternoon Bella and Chico went out. Chico found a warm spot on the patio to get some sun. Bella did the same in a cozy spot on the grass. Louie was happy lounging in the shade for a little while. The pups worked on snacking on some kibble while we were out. After Bella was full, she just wanted some attention, so she sat with me. Chico was jealous of that, so he kept trying to find a way onto my lap. Those two! When it was time, everyone came in for the afternoon inside the cool house. I got them all their yummy snacks. Louie could hardly wait for his! This evening everyone went out for their potty breaks, while I mixed up Louie's supper. He came in and actually ate it all pretty quick tonight! We went back out for awhile after that. Bella was busy patrolling the fence and looking for things to chase. Chico ate a little dinner and was having fun chomping at the flies. Bella had to join in the fun too! Later, all three just spent some time roaming around.

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