Thursday, December 26, 2013


It was a foggy morning today. As I pulled up, I saw Flax was wandering about the front yard. He walked up to my car and followed me inside. Boney was still sleeping on Flax's bed, by himself. I got them some fresh water and applied some ointment to Flax's cheek. When I came back out from putting the ointment back, Boney was laying upside down between my shoes. He swung his paws up in the air and tried to attack my toes as I tried to slip my shoes back on! Haha! He's such a cutie. I noticed Flax had wandered back outside again. This afternoon I saw that Boney was the one exploring, as I neared the house. Flax was on his bed, sound asleep. I touched him gently, and he woke up. He instantly decided he was going to head outside to explore. Eventually, he made his way to relax on his bed on the back porch, in the warm sun. Boney was following me around and being silly. We played with some sticks, then he was busy watching a flock of birds in the yard. This evening, the boys were snuggled together on the bed. Boney hopped up right away and helped me get dinner ready. He watched me open a can of food for him, but he waited until I started to open Flax's. He even stole a chunk out of the bowl to eat! Haha.

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