Sunday, July 7, 2013

Bella, Louie & Chico

This morning everyone woke right up when I walked in. I let them all out in their usual order. I let them spend a little time outside, then got their breakfast. Louie and Chico went in while I stayed out with Bella. She wanted attention for a little bit, but eventually she made her way to her bowl. I went in to check on the little ones, but didn't see Chico. He was just lounging in his bed! I sat on the floor in their room and he came out to visit me. Louie came over as well, and that got Chico a little jealous. So, we all headed outside instead. Louie sat with me for a few scratches. He almost fell over, he just melted like butter when I found his itchy spot! A few birds were in the yard this morning, so Bella kept busy by chasing after them. This afternoon I let the pups all outside for awhile. Bella and Louie both came over for some attention. Everyone wandered around and did some exploring around the yard. Chico came over for a few pets as well, but Bella was being an attention hog and nudged him out of the way! I let the two little ones in and out as they pleased, so they could nibble on their food a bit. When it was time, I got their peanut butter kongs ready for them. Chico didn't want to go to bed this time, so I had to go get him.

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