Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Dakota & Benny

This afternoon I let Kota out and started getting her all hooked up to go for our walk. Before I could even have a chance to get Benny ready, we heard a loud crack of thunder. All of a sudden it just started to downpour! I felt so bad, I had them all excited to go for our walk. Instead I quick let them go potty out in the backyard. Kota quickly did her business and came back right away, squinting as she ran to the door. Benny took longer and I called for him to come inside. Poor little guy was completely soaked in just a short time. But, I think Benny would've loved to stay out and play! I went out to grab a ball for us to play with and the water in the yard was already so deep. We chased each other around and played fetch inside. I had to laugh, Benny was using the tv stand as a back scratcher! He kept walking back and forth underneath it!

1 comment:

  1. Awww poor Benny. His allergies are really bad lately:( We are giving him Benedryl twice daily and we need to get his prescription allergy pills refilled too:( That's why he scratches his back on the TV stand. Poor little guy! Sorry it rained on you guys today. I'm sure they were excited just to get to see you!
