Sunday, June 6, 2010

Ladybug, Boomer, Bella & Bo

This morning I let everybody outside right away. It was a beautiful morning out and not quite as hot as the past several days, so I let the puppies play outside a little longer today. When I came back to let them inside I got them their ice cubes and breakfast. Boomer, my little buddy, sat in my lap for awhile. Bo was eating some breakfast and Ladybug munched on some ice cubes. Bella was content on her pillow, gnawing on a little rawhide. This afternoon everyone was happily chasing after golf carts! I gave them their bones to chew on while we were out there. The puppies were having fun rolling around in the yard together! They would each take turns and sort of watch each other. Tonight it was still very nice out. They guarded their yard and barked at some people walking along the path once it was dark out. Bella started barking frantically like I've never heard her do before. I went over where she was to find Boomer pawing at the ground with her watching. I didn't have the light out on the patio because I didn't want to attract all kinds of bugs, so I crouched down to see what they were upset about. It was a huge toad! I tried to get it to hop away into the garden, but Boomer and Bella just followed him. After that we went inside for awhile so they could calm down before bedtime. Ladybug crunched away on her ice cubes, getting them all stuck on her face again! They each took turns chewing on the stuffed bones like good puppies. Boomer curled up on my lap for awhile before I put everyone to bed.

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