Saturday, October 7, 2017

Oreo & Stuffs

This morning I came in and Stuffy was sitting just inside the living room doorway. I nearly tripped right over him! Haha. Oreo was hanging out on the chair by the back door. He stretched out a paw at me, "Come to me." Haha. I said hi to the boys and got them their breakfast. After they ate, they joined me in the living room. Oreo didn't stay for very long and wandered off. Stuffy was my snuggle bug again this morning and he laid next to me the whole time, purring away. Oreo I later found snuggling my shoes. What a weirdo. Haha! This evening I came in and didn't see anyone, so I got their food ready quick. I went looking and found both boys lounging on the bed. I said hi and cleaned their box. They hadn't budged yet, so I guess I have to bring dinner to them. Haha. They both ate for me. Later, they got up and followed me to our spot. Both boys wanted their pets tonight. I had a string in my pocket that I got out later on for us to play with. Strings are the best! They loved it! As I was leaving, I spotted a kitty sitting on the ledge out back. It was the new kitty!

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