Thursday, February 4, 2016

Bella & Chico

It was the coldest morning we've had so far out there today. Brrrrrrr! I came in and let the pups out right away. They went out and did their thing, then both came back in for some breakfast. Bella came over for some attention after her belly was full. She had licked the bowl clean! Chico ate his fill and went back to bed to warm up. Bella didn't go out much this morning either. Too chilly! This afternoon the sun came out and felt warm in the crisp cool air. The pups came out for their potty break. They enjoyed the warm sunshine and spent plenty of time out back checking things out. When it was time to come in, they both got their peanut butter snack. This evening the cold returned after the sun had set. Bella and Chico both raced outside to do their business. They spent most of the time inside by me, trying to steal my attention from the other. Haha! They're so jealous of each other. They behaved themselves though, and both enjoyed their pets. I tucked them in with some bedtime cookies when it was time.

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