Saturday, June 6, 2015

Tux, Molly & Panda

This morning the pups came outside with me when I arrived. I gave Panda a ball right away, since she kept jumping up at me looking for one. Haha. She ran off, shaking it with her head, Bubba following along behind. I went and watered the plants quick. Molly was tagging along, checking out the bushes by us. When we were done, Tux was ready for his game. Panda stole his favorite ball right away. Today, he sure didn't want to settle for the other one! He kept chasing after her and they ran circles around and around me. Haha! This afternoon the pups ran out back for their playtime. Miss Molly was busy exploring around the yard and checking out the trees and bushes. Panda and Tux kept me busy playing fetch with them. Miss Panda decided to kill Bubba's favorite ball this afternoon, so we had to put that away. Poor Bub! I grabbed their tennis ball and thrower and we had fun playing with that instead. This evening, the pups came out to do their business. Molly found a big bug in the driveway and was entertained, pawing at that for quite awhile! Ha! Panda had taken one of Tux's toys, so I tossed the other for him. Then, they'd switch and take turns. I had to have them take a break for awhile since it was hot and they were panting pretty good. They relaxed for a bit. We got a little more playtime in before we headed inside for their bedtime snacks.

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