Saturday, December 20, 2014

Hudson, Zel, Gabbie & Blackie

This morning everyone was at the door, waiting for me to come in. Hudson was bouncing up and down at my legs, while the others were scrambling to the back door. They all went out for a few minutes to do their thing. Shortly after that, they were ready for breakfast. Hudson stood in the kitchen and watched Gabbie eat after he was done, hoping for some leftovers. Haha. Next, we all went back outside for awhile. It didn't feel quite as cold out this morning, so the girls stayed out a little longer than yesterday. When they went in, they both curled up under their blanket. Blackie went to go nap in his room. Hudson was happy to continue exploring outside until it was time to come in. This evening, Blackie was quite interested to check out the other animal smells on me when I walked in. I let the little ones out of their beds. They were bouncing around in there, all excited! We went out for a little bit so they could do their business. Inside, everyone danced in the kitchen while I got dinner ready. Miss Gabbie was the only one not to finish tonight. She made me laugh when she went into her sneezing fit. Sounded like me today with my allergies! Haha. We went out for awhile to play after dinner. It was starting to sprinkle out there, so the girls wanted in. Gabbie snuggled with me on the couch, while the boys were out exploring. Zel went and burrowed in the bedroom to take a nap. I went to get the boys when it was time to come in.

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