Friday, October 10, 2014

Rusty & Ruby

It was storming and pouring rain out this morning. I let Ruby out and had her come out with me to do her business. She wasn't too happy about that, but she was a good girl. We came back in and they got their breakfast. After the pups ate, they went to sit in the front room. I took care of the other critters next. I didn't see Salem this morning at all, so she must have been hiding. I saw the turtles had eaten most of their food, so I got them a bit more. I sat with the pups for a bit, and they worked on their bones. This afternoon I let Ruby out and Rusty wandered out from the front room. It was still raining outside. I called Ruby out with me, and she quickly did her thing. She then raced for the dry house! Rusty didn't stay out long either. We all went to sit in the front room for awhile. The pups got all riled up and danced around for some heiny scratches. Once they settled down, they each had their bone to work on. This evening, I looked out in the yard and saw all five kiddos lined up at the fence, ready for their dinner! That made me laugh. I went in and fed the pups quick. By now, the rain had finally let up for us. The pups wandered out once they finished, to go do their business. I fed the other kids and had to dump out the water from their dishes first. Rusty and I got a little game of fetch in this evening. When we went in later, I had to confiscate a bone Rusty was snacking on. He kept trying to swallow it whole! He was an itchy boy this afternoon and evening, so I will give him the better medicine in the morning.

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