Friday, June 20, 2014

Mac, Abby, Colty & Penny

This morning the boys were hopping up and down at my legs as I walked in. I took Mac's thundershirt off and let them out. Poor guy had to wear it last night for nothing. So much for all the storms we were supposed to get yesterday! Haha oh well. Next, I went to let the girls out. I see someone got into some mischief last night. They had shredded up one of the rugs. :( I even had several toys in there for them last night. Little goobers. I let them outside, then I put all the rugs in the tub, so they couldn't get at any more. I sat outside with the pups for awhile, while they played. They took turns snacking on some food. Mac found a little piece of rawhide that he was working on. Colty and Penny were both trying to get my undivided attention. They're both just too darn cute. Before I left, I got them all a fresh rawhide for the afternoon. This evening the pups were pawing at the door when they heard me come in. I let them run around inside while I started to bring their things in. When I had their rooms all situated, I went to sit outside with them for awhile. Mac was prancing around with his bone that he had saved from this morning. He laid down to snack on it while I was out with them. Penny and Colt were over by me for a little attention, then they wandered off to play and explore some more before bedtime. Everyone got their jerky snack again before bedtime.

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