Monday, February 3, 2014

Rusty, Ruby & the kitties

Today Ruby barked when I first walked in. I said hi back, then made my way to let her out. Rusty was busy searching for his red ball. We all headed outside for a bit so they could go potty. If that is Justin that has returned, I think he got a little sassy while he was away! He was putting his head down and chasing the others around the yard for awhile. Eventually he calmed down and was eating hay next to Chloe. Ruby did her business outside, then zoomed in the house. I was still out with Rusty when she came back out because she had to go again. Silly girl! Rusty wasn't bringing me his ball, so I went in to visit. Lance was in the kitchen walking ahead of me, being silly. He and I played with his mouse toy a little. I tried to keep his jumping to a minimum as much as possible. Miss Ruby and Mr. Rusty were tired kiddos today! Rusty curled up in a chair in the old living area and Ruby curled up on her couch for a nap. Later, we all went out again so they could get another potty break in, and so Rusty could play some fetch.

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