Saturday, December 21, 2013

Sadie, Zoie & Cole

This morning everything was all iced over. I let Sadie and Zoie out front and Cole out back when I arrived. Cole didn't want to walk on the crunchy grass. He eventually went on there, just far enough to do his business. When they came in I fed them their breakfast and gave Cole his meds. They all ate pretty quick. Zoie brought me her Frisbee and we played a little fetch. Sadie sat by me and was being goofy. She rolled on the floor and pawed at me, then grumbled. I went to check on Cole, since he wasn't out by us. He was just hanging out in the bedroom. When I walked in, he went and excitedly stood up against the bed, wanting to go up. This afternoon the pups each took their turns out in the ice-covered grass. They came in and warmed up. Zoie made sure to collect all her toys. She crammed all three bones in her mouth, then piled them on top of her frisbee. She's so funny! Cole came over for some heiny scratches, before he wandered off to the bedroom again. This evening I had three excited pups in the laundry room to greet me! I let Sadie out front first, and had Cole go out back. He sure didn't want to touch the grass tonight. He kept putting a foot out, then would turn back and try elsewhere, hoping it would feel different. Sadie was still exploring out front, so I sent Zoie out back to help encourage Cole. Once she went out, he hopped right in the grass and did his thing. When everyone came in and dried off, I got them their dinners. We spent some time in the living room before they went to bed.

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