Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Jackie & Meeko

Today was the first day I came in and noticed that Jackie had chewed on his rug a bit. I let him outside quick, then inspected it. I pulled out any loose strings and disposed of them, so he wouldn't try to eat them. He really just took the border off the one side. After I cleaned that up and fed Meeko, Jackie and I went on our long walk this morning. He was very curious today, stopping to sniff at everything. When we got back, he ate all his breakfast. This afternoon I went out to water a couple of the plants. Then, a little kitty came out from under the chair on the patio and meowed at me! He was very sweet. I saw a bowl sitting on the hose, so I gave him some water since it was super hot out. Jackie and I went outside so he could work on an ice treat. It wasn't long before he had gobbled it all up! We headed inside to cool off a bit. Jackie and I played some tug, then he grabbed out a small purple ball and played with that. This evening I walked up to the door and aaw that kitty was still here! He meowed at me, then wandered out for a pet. I gave him a couple scratches as he rolled to his side, then went in to see Jackie. It was still quite hot out this evening, so we just played inside. Jackie got to go out potty, then he and Meeko worked on dinner. After Jackie finished, we played a good game of tug. Then, he chased around his big purple ball for awhile. He grabbed out all kinds of different toys tonight!

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