Saturday, July 20, 2013

Bella, Louie & Chico

This morning everyone ran outside while I got their breakfast. Bella and Chico were very busy chasing after the birds this morning! There were two that seemed to be having just as much fun. A robin kept landing in the yard, as if to taunt them. So Bella would race to the other end of the yard to try and catch it, with Chico on her heels. Then, there was a Blue Jay that kept squaking, and flew back and forth, back and forth between two trees. A big dragonfly came into the yard next and flew right up to Bella. She jumped then raced after that too! The pups were all taking breaks in between their adventures to snack on their breakfast. Later, I saw Bella was checking out something by the door. It was a tiny little frog! I had fun watching her cautiously inspect it for a bit, then moved him to a safer spot. This afternoon Chico and Bella sure got their exercise! They were busy chasing back and forth across the yard. Someone was doing some work outside, so that noise had Chico racing from one side of the house to the other. They raced for quite awhile. Louie was outside with us most of that time too. He was snacking on Bella's leftovers, since no one was watching. Sometimes he would wander along behind the other two to check out what all the fuss was about. Soon, all three pups had wandered into the house to cool off. Bella and I messed around a little. I had fun making silly sounds and watching them tilt their heads at me! When it was time, I got their snacks ready and all three hopped into their beds.

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