Friday, July 19, 2013

Bella, Louie & Chico

This morning everyone zoomed outside as soon as I opened their doors. I got them all their breakfast, then joined them outside. Louie and Chico were messing around with each other, while Bella was pacing the fence line. Chico hopped up in my lap and got some attention while Bella was eating her food. He hopped back down and would steal bites from her bowl while she was busy inspecting some sound she heard at the back of the yard. I checked on Louie, and he was inside lounging on his bed in the living room. He came running over to talk to me a little, on his way to go snack on his food. When it was time, we all headed in and they went to their beds. This afternoon was another hot and sticky one outside. I let everyone out, but we spent most of our visit inside. The pups went in and out as they pleased. Louie layed on his bed a bit, and Bella would come in and lay on the tile to cool off. Louie had fun rolling around on the floor while Chico tackled him. Then Bella tried it, but Chico wouldn't mess with her! He came and sat on my lap instead. Later, I heard a screetching sound from outside, which had all three dogs racing out the door to see what it was. I went out as well, and saw that it was a hawk sitting in the tree! It stopped making any sounds shortly after we got outside. Eventually, we headed in and Louie did his dance for the peanut butter snacks! This evening the pups headed out while I got them fresh food and water. While we were outside, we heard a donkey! That drove Bella wild. She started jumping around and was trying to figure out where the sound was coming from. Everyone was busy exploring outside tonight. They each took turns to go nibble on some food. Bella and Chico were the main ones on patrol, racing to check out every sound. Louie spent a lot of time inside, keeping cool. He would come over by me once in awhile so I'd help him get his itchies. I caught onto Chico's sneaky tactic tonight, that made me laugh! He would come by me when I was inside, so Bella would get jealous and come to try to steal my attention. This would get her away from her food bowl. Then, as soon as she wasn't looking, he'd run out to sneak a bite! Silly boy. Later, it was time for bed, so Bella and Louie went in. I had to go get Chico, since he was playing his hiding game.

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