Saturday, November 13, 2010

Dakota & Benny

This morning I let the pups out in the backyard to go potty and play for awhile. They both raced around the yard a few times. Benny and I played a little fetch (when he'd give me the ball hehe) while Kota was busy investigating by the shed. She must have seen something under there! We came in so Benny could get his meds and Kota could work on her breakfast. Benny had to run back out quick to get us his ball. I tossed Kota's kibbles around for them to fetch for a bit. Later after she finished breakfast all wrestled around! This afternoon we went for our long walk. It was pretty nice out, so we saw lots of people out and about. Kota was finding treasures in the grass while Benny was people watching and saying hi to his friends. When we got home, they ran around in the backyard for awhile. This evening they were happy to run around in the backyard some more! When they came back in, we played fetch with food kibbles again. Kota was leaping in the air, flipping around in circles, and zooming across the room to get them! She tried to make sure Benny didn't get any that were near her. Benny brought his ball over and snuggled with me while I got his itchies for him. Later they chased each other in circles around the living room! Kota took a little break to lay on the tile and cool down from all the playing.
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