Saturday, January 2, 2010

Suzzie, Heiny, Boo, Quartz, Fudge & Fluffy

Well we're supposed to get more snow tonight.... they're saying 1-2 inches in Tulsa and up to 3 north of Tulsa. You aren't going to like the bitter cold! I walked a dog this morning when it was 16 degrees with a windchill of 4! Brrr! Everyone will be happy to see you tomorrow. :) Quartz came running when I called to get his treats with Boo. I didn't see the other two today, I even tried looking for them in their usual spots. The girls were all excited when they came inside. Suzzie gave me her cute smiles. I don't think Quartz left the bed most of the time i was there today. Boo followed me around and pawed at me while I was busy cleaning the litter pans. I told them all that mom and dad will be home soon!

We're waiting for you to come home!!

1 comment:

  1. Yea I know it is time to drag out the winter coat from my suitcase, here in East Texas is was upper 50's today and I really don't want to come home, but I left my babies in the frozen tundra so I must come home! We have been watching the weather just hoping that by tomorrow afternoon the new snow will be cleared and we won't have any problems making it home! Thank You so much and I got a little Florida Sunshine for you next week!
