Saturday, January 28, 2017

Rusty, Ruby & the gang

This evening I came in and went to let Ruby out. I saw she wasn't in her pen, so I called for her. She came bouncing along outside with me to do her business. The big kids were all lined up at the fence already, waiting for dinner. I went in and fed Ruby quick, since she was obviously wasting away. Haha! I went out to feed the others next. When I came in, Ruby was sitting by her bowl, as if I had forgotten to feed her. Silly girl. Salem and Sheba got dinner next. I filled water dishes and cleaned boxes, then checked on the kittens. Simon still doesn't want to let me pet him just yet. He's fine coming up to me though! The other is my best friend. After I got Rusty to come out and eat his dinner, I played some laser light with Sheba and Ruby laid next to me for some belly rubs.

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