Thursday, July 28, 2016

Rusty, Ruby & the gang

This morning I let Ruby out and she ran to her bowl for breakfast. After she finished, she and I went out for her potty break. Rusty must have still been sleeping. Eventually he came out to join us. I went in to feed the girls and the turtles. Salem got her medicine. Sheba was following me around and putting her evil ears on. (See photo haha) I think she was upset that we weren't playing yet. Haha. Every time I went into a different room, I'd hear her race from one end of the hall to another. Crazy cat. She got her mouse time in. She would jump up in the air to pounce on it. She was cracking me up. I went back outside to play with Rusty next.   This afternoon the pups came out and lounged in the grass to sunbathe. Ruby snuck back in on me while I was turning the mister on. I made her come back out to do her thing. She sure had some energy to burn! She started zooming around and around the yard, and even leapt over Rusty! Haha. I noticed Justin was hogging all the cool misty water. He was standing directly in front of it, blocking the other two that were lounging nearby. I went inside to play with Sheba a bit. I found Salem napping on the doggie bed too. After I visited the kitties, it was fetch time for Rusty. This evening Ruby came bouncing over to her food dish. She gobbled it up, then it was time to head out. It took her some convincing, then she finally went potty for me. After she did her thing, I fed the llamas and refilled their electrolyte bucket. Salem got her dinner and Sheba got some playtime. Rusty waited at the door for me for his turn. Ruby was a good girl and went right to bed when it was time. She of course got her bedtime snacks too.

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