Sunday, May 22, 2016

Panda, Bu & Gus

This morning Panda and Bu were both snuggled in their beds. I opened their gate and Panda did a big stretch on his way over to see me. They followed along and headed out back to go potty. Gus was patiently waiting for his turn. Such a good boy! Panda and Bu came back in and I got them their breakfast since they were both waiting in their crates for it. I let Gus out next and he wandered around back for a few minutes. He came in and started itching himself along the couch. Haha! I let him roam the room while I got his breakfast for him. After visiting the pups, I went and took care of Tatty's things quick. She was still hiding out. This afternoon I came in to let the pups outside. Panda and Bu were just lounging in bed. They got up and came over to say hi. Then, it was time for their potty break. They wandered around outside for a bit, then it was Gus's turn. After he did his business, I turned on the AC for him. It was already toasty outside and getting warm in there. As I was coming back inside to leave, I spotted Tatty! She was standing in the living room and was just staring at me. I said her name, then she took off to hide behind the couch. Haha! This evening, the pups were napping again in different spots. I let them out to go potty. Panda came over when he finished and was busy smelling other animals on me. Bu came to join him when she finished. I let them in, the Gus was ready to head out. He did his thing. I got him some fresh water, then coaxed him into his bed. They did great!

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