Sunday, March 8, 2015

Sadi & Noell

This morning I met Noell in the bedroom, on her way to come see me. She hopped over the board into their room, then sat on her haunches. She was ready for food! Sadi was sleeping in her bed this morning. The tent bed was squished down again. Silly girls! Sadi was just starting to wake up while I picked up their room. She got her medicine this morning, including the baytril. I gathered their dishes and went to the kitchen, with Noell as my little shadow. She sat and told me a story while I got their food together. The girls went to work on eating for me. Noell got half way through with hers, then she started to try and bury her own food! Don't know what to do with that sassy little lady! Haha. After she was done, she came and sat in my lap, swatting at my sweatshirt strings. Sadi sat and rubbed her head on my knee while I gave her chin scratches. This evening, Noell was sitting in the bed closest to the door, with her paws sitting on the edge. Sadi was sleeping too. I got her up and working on her dinner, then went to get Noell's food. Noell got some zoom time in before I left.

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