Thursday, July 24, 2014


Today Oscar greeted me, then quickly made his way to the door. He went out and lounged in the grass right away. After a little while, he got up and was walking around in the landscaped area, looking around curiously. I saw a big pretty butterfly floating about above him. He saw the shadow it was leaving and started chasing that! Haha. He chased the butterfly's shadow for quite a bit, as it kept circling the area. After it went away, Oscar went and sat behind a big bush. All I could see was his head, and he was looking right at me. It was almost as if he was saying, "Haha! I bet you can't find me!" What a goofball. We tried to play with his frisbee a little, but he didn't want to give it back! We chased for a little while, but then Oscar was hot and wanted to go in and cool off. After he got a drink, he went and sprawled out on the ottoman.

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