Monday, September 20, 2010

Suzzie, Heiny, Boo, Quartz, Chocolate, Fluffy & Kitty Cat

Today the girls knew it was me pulling up and just did their little dance by the fence, waiting for me to come say hi. Boo was waiting at the door for me and went to his post for his treats! I let the girls in for their supper while I went to see Quartz. On my way, I saw Chocolate sitting in the guest bedroom window. She zoomed under the bed when she saw I'd spotted her! I looked around for Fluffy and found her curled up under the bed. Boo was of course in my face the whole time I was petting Fluffy, purring and trying to get all my attention! He followed me around as I cleaned the litter boxes. I stopped to give him a little brushing while he was on the dryer. Then it was off to see Kitty Cat! She was waiting in her house today, and was happy for some attention. As I was on my way back to see the girls, she showed me the way for a bit


  1. That look on Courts face is priceless, annoyed but glad your turning the water on! LOL Glad you found Chocolate & Fluffy, is it not strange how Kitty Cat the feral wild cat outside is so friendly and those two indoor house cats that were feral before being indoors now for over 9 years hide, little scardy cats they are!

  2. LOL I thought it was pretty funny myself!

    I know... Kitty Cat is sooo sweet! The other two were letting me pet them and purring for me last time. Maybe in a couple days :)
