Saturday, June 19, 2010


Caleb was so excited to go for his walk after breakfast! He couldn't sit still long enough for me to get his collar on! We went for a nice long walk again this morning. There were lots of dogs out today in their backyards. They all had to bark to say hi to Caleb! Once we got home, he was pretty pooped out. I tossed his squeaker toy for him a few times. He was too tired to even want to play! He only walked over to get it a couple times, then gave up completely. He laid down by me to get pet for a little bit before we went to sit outside. I brushed him for a long time out there. I set the brush down to get his cable all untangled for him. He picked it up and brought it over to me, "Can you brush me some more please?". He sat so well and even laid down for a bit while he got brushed. When we went in I filled a couple of his puzzle toys with treats for him to play with. When he got frustrated with one, he would switch to a different one!


  1. Oh, I'm glad he's having so much fun! We miss him so much! FYI...if it hasn't rained in a few days, you don't need to put him on his tie out!

  2. I was just being cautious today yet, the dirt areas still looked damp, but I could be imagining things! lol He has only been going just far enough into the grass to potty, then comes right back by me or wants to go in because it's too hot anyways. haha!
