Saturday, April 24, 2010

Dakota & Benny

It was really nice out this afternoon, so we went for our walk. It wasn't too hot or cold, so Benny didn't get too tired out. Kota was chasing after a few birds again today and came very close to one of them! Benny was in a chasing mood too! He tried to get the cars, ice cream truck, mail truck, and a motorcycle that passed by! He was pretty disappointed today too. The dogs weren't out today at his absolute favorite house, where he races along the fenceline with them! He was ready, and then he sort of stopped every couple steps after he realized they weren't there. Tonight I let them outside and gave them their meds. Kota finished her food from earlier and snuck a couple bites from Benny's bowl on the counter before I caught her! Benny and I played fetch for awhile tonight. Kota and Benny wrestled around a little and we all chased each other around for a bit. Kota wanted to go back outside again, so I let her out. I went to call her back inside and I saw her jump like she'd been spooked by something. She started barking like crazy and Benny did too from inside. I walked out there to see what she was doing, and I saw a big black cat all puffed up and hissing on the top of the fence! Kota kept barking at it and the cat just sat there until I got Kota back inside.

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