Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Mattie, Sugar, Buddy, Jimmy & Charlie

I switched with your mom this morning since traffic was bad due to the fog. I came and let everyone out for the morning. When they came back in this time it was Buddy that was trotting around with the little white teddy bear! I gave them all their pills, but had to work with Buddy a little. He sure didn't want anything this morning! I tried cheese first, then turkey, then bread. He took one pill with the bread then turned his nose at the others. So finally I grabbed one of the little pigz-in-blanket treats. I broke a little piece off and shoved the pills in there. He gingerly took it, but at least he finally ate it! I sat with them for a little bit and Sugar left and went to the door and started barking. I guess she had to go out again! No one wanted to go back in their cage today! Sugar and Jimmy both came in and sat in the blanket at the end of the bed. I picked them up and then they went in ok. Buddy was sitting on the couch guarding his treat. I tried to bribe him with another one, but he sure wasn't too happy with me! I was able to get him down off the couch so I could grab his treat, then he came willingly! lol


  1. thank you so much!!! Did Buddy eat anything else?

  2. He grabbed a few kibbles after he came in from outside. But he didn't eat anything after that since he was busy guarding his treat.
