Friday, December 31, 2010

Elliot, Daisy & Goliath

This morning the gang ran out of their cages, slid around the kitchen and galloped to the back door. They each went potty before breakfast. This morning was still very warm out and the overnight rain had passed. They all got to play outside for the morning. I stopped back this afternoon to let them back inside as the temperatures were dropping quickly. This evening everyone went potty and hung outside for a little bit. Poor little Daisy had some loose stool tonight so she really wanted to go out. I got their dinner ready before they came back in. Goliath didn't eat all of his so I put his bowl up until the other two went to bed. They all settled down after they ate and sprawled out on the floor. Elliot rolled around and Golly thought it was a good time to tackle him! Soon it was time for bed. See you tomorrow!
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Timber, Mick, Moose & Taki

This morning I let Moose out of his kennel. He and Mick were carrying around their rawhides, making sure no one else would get them! They even took them outside, and both forgot them out there when they came back in. After going potty, everyone got their breakfast. Mick came running in carrying a sock! I put him up on the bed and he decided to curl up on the pillows for awhile. He didn't start eating his food until Moose had finished and was setting his nose on the bed! Taki walked around on the bed and got some attention. Afterwards we went in the front room and they all gathered around me to be pet! We went back outside one more time and they got their treats. This time Moose brought his rawhide back inside with him. This afternoon everyone went potty then came right back inside. Mick, Moose & Taki all came upstairs with me to clean the litter box! When I came down Mick was curled up on the couch, working on his rawhide. Timber was laying down looking out the window. Taki came and curled up in my lap again and Mick snuggled up next to us. Tonight Mick and Timber were on their way to the door to see me as I came in. They went potty quick and came back inside to warm up. I tossed Mick's treat down the hall but he didn't go after it right away. Luckily it went under a speaker, otherwise Moose would've had it! Mick and Taki curled up with me for awhile. Moose was fascinated with all the animal scents he could smell on me! Mick hopped down and Moose decided it was his turn. He climbed up on the chair and laid across my lap! Timber was busy itching her ears by rubbing them along the couch. She got excited and started barking at Moose. Then Mick joined in and it got a little noisy for a few minutes! Taki had hopped up on the fridge and was watching everything from his perch. Everyone settled down again and got ready for bed.
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Bailey met me at the door with her tail wagging away! I asked if she wanted to go outside and she ran right to the back door. She did her business then did a couple laps and barked "Happy New Year!". When she came in she went right to the kitchen and stared up at her treats, then back at me! First I had her eat her dinner, then she got her yummy treats. She hopped up in her chair next to me and smelled me for a minute. I grabbed her squirrel to see if she'd play with me. She sure had fun with that! We played a little fetch and she'd get down on her front legs and wiggle her heiny in the air. Once in awhile Bailey would sit by the kitchen and look towards the counter. I knew exactly what she wanted, more treats from her stash! I called her over to me. She got very excited and rolled over for a belly rub. Every time I'd talk to her that little tail would be going a mile a minute! I was sitting on the floor and she came right up and kissed me on the nose! Next we played with her little football. She slid it around and chased all over the kitchen with it. Bailey went outside once more and got one more treat before bedtime!
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Coco & Puff

The girls went potty right away. They both stopped to watch as four different small groups of ducks landed on the pond! We came in and they ate breakfast. They each got a little brushing before it was play time. Those silly girls sure like those antlers! They keep dragging them out to play with after I put them back. They ran around hopping from chair to chair. This evening we did our usual potty and dinner routine. Coco went and got her antler "toy" out of the bedroom so I put it on the table. She kept standing up to see if she could reach it, but didn't attempt anything. The girls both came and sat next to me occasionally for a back or belly rub. Coco ran and laid in one of the chairs while Puff crouched down on the ground, trying to get her to come wrestle around! Later the other antler came out and wound up on the table, so they had to play with their own toys! That's no fun! They did have a good time playing tug of war with each other though. We went outside potty once more before bedtime. See you tomorrow!
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Suzzie, Heiny, Boo, Quartz, Fudge, Fluffy & Kitty Cat

Today Kitty greeted me with her cute little meows. I'm sure she will enjoy her cozy house over the next few days! Boo was right at the door when I opened it, this time on the ground which wasn't where I expected him! Fudge was sitting on the computer desk watching me, while Fluffy just opened her eyes from her nap on the couch. Boo came with me to turn on the faucet for Quartz, and got himself a drink from the fountain bowl. I let the girlies in for their dinner. Chocolate came wandering into the laundry room to eat too. I said goodbye to everyone and gave the girls an extra treat when they got back outside!
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Sophie & Roxy

The girls came inside today, as the temperatures were starting to drop again. Roxy thought I had the laser pointer again today! She was looking all over for it. Then she was looking up at the ceiling fan. They each curled up on a chair for awhile. Sophie rolled around on the couch and made herself comfy. Later I got them a treat. Roxy was too busy looking for that red dot that flies around to take hers at first! Sophie was just about to scoop her bone up when she ran to grab it. The girls would lay in their chairs, then run over to tackle me and give me kisses! Roxy kept looking around at the walls and ceiling. Even Sophie joined in after awhile! The girls went back outside and got their yummy pupperoni!
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Thursday, December 30, 2010

Elliot, Daisy & Goliath

This morning I let everyone go out potty quick before breakfast. Goliath was taking too long to eat his food and the other two wanted out! So, I let Elliot and Daisy go play outside while Goliath ate. He was holding out for the yummy stuff, so I gave him a little gravy on his food. Shhhh! Don't tell the other two! I went to sit outside with Daisy and Elliot. They hopped up and gave me lots of morning kisses! Little Golly was peeking out the window when he was done, ready to come outside too. It's going to be in the 70's today, so the kiddos get to stay out and enjoy the gorgeous weather! I let the pups stay out a little longer tonight since the next few days are supposed to be quite a bit colder. It was such a nice day! They heard me pull in and started barking. All were waiting at the back door, tails a-wagging! I fed them their dinner, which was gone pretty quickly with the delicious chicken gravy mixed in! They sure must have had fun today. Each gave me their kisses hello, then they smelled all the other puppy and kitty scents on me. Not too long after, all were snoozing away! Goliath was even snoring! Daisy and Elliot were curled up back to back and head to tail. I quietly got up to turn the light on and take a picture, but Daisy got up to follow me. She then curled up in the other chair beside Golly. So cute!
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Timber, Mick, Moose & Taki

Timber was sleeping soundly by the stairs when I came to see them this afternoon. We all went outside and hung out there for quite awhile since it was so nice out! Mick and Timber wandered around. Moose was busy talking to his neighbor friend, the pug! Taki was sitting on the table, waiting for us to come back inside. Timber was wanting to go back inside, so we all did and they got their treats right away. Moose actually went in his kennel, so I had to coax him out to come get his. Taki then chased after Mick, who was chasing after his treat down the hallway! It was pretty funny! After all our fun outside, everyone laid down and rested, even Moose. Taki came and sat in my lap and Mick curled up next to me. Tonight everyone went outside, but they all wanted back in shortly after. I know what they wanted! Mick reminded me, when I was still petting Taki, that he was supposed to get a treat immediately upon coming in! They each got their treats and Taki went running after Mick down the hallway again. We all hung out in the front room for a little while before going outside to play. Moose got himself all tangled up around the fire pit. Timber walked along the fence with the neighbor doggie. We spent a little while out there since it was still so nice out. They came back inside and got another treat! They sure got the system down. Taki helped me fill up the water bowl. Later I got them each a rawhide treat before bedtime.
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Coco & Puff

This morning Coco and Puff were very quiet trying to listen for whoever was home. They went outside potty then came in for breakfast. Again they went straight to their kennel an sat without me saying anything. They're getting to know the routine! After breakfast they did their usual chasing and playing. Coco hopped up on the couch by me and rolled over for a belly rub! She enjoyed that for quite awhile. Puff came running out of the bedroom carrying a car antler! It was the funniest thing! I took it away and put it back. She gave me such a look, "Party Pooper!". Tonight the girls did their business before dinner. They broke their streak of going into their kennel without being told, but I only had to say it once! Later we decided to take a little walk on this beautiful evening! The neighbor dog said hi to the girls on their way back to their yard. Back inside it was all fun and games! This time both girls each grabbed an antler from the bedroom to play with! They're so funny. They zoomed around the house for quite awhile. Coco took a little break and curled up under the Christmas tree. We went out potty one more time, then it was off to bed. Puff had other ideas and started chewing on Coco's ears once inside! See you in the morning!
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Suzzie, Heiny, Boo, Quartz, Fudge, Fluffy & Kitty Cat

My sweey little Kitty was sitting on her bench under the windows today. She saw me coming and hopped up by her food bowl. She was very talkative today! I pet her for a little while. I love her, she's such a sweetheart! I fed Boo his treats when I got in, and even Quartz wanted treats today! I didn't see Fudge or Fluffy around, so I did a little investigating after I let the girls in to eat. I found the two kitties curled up on the computer chair together! Adorable! Later I cleaned litter boxes with Booboo following me and pawing at my head. Quartz was laying on the bed in Fluffy's normal spot, checking himself out in the mirror. When I went to give Boo his dinner Quartz hopped up and wanted some lovin. I spent the rest of the time with the puppy dogs! They sure had a nice day outside today.
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Clovis, Snickers & Patches

Today Patches was peeking out the front window when I pulled up. When he saw me coming he quickly ran to his spot on the counter. He was a little stinker again today and was trying to get at the food as I was getting them on the plates! Snickers and Clovis went out to eat. It was super nice out today! Instead of eating right away, Clovis decided to sit in her window and enjoy the nice warm air. I moved Clovis's plate up to the bench for better access. Snickers decided to head around front after eating. I tried to get him inside but he wanted to stay outside today! Patches didn't want to come inside today either, but eventually I got him in. Clovis was the only one who went in willingly! I turned on the sink again for awhile. Clovis went in and took a drink. Patches got some more attention before I took one last look around outside for Snickers.
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Sophie & Roxy

This afternoon the girls were hopping up and down by the fence as usual to say hello! Today we spent the whole time outside since it was just gorgeous out! The girls gave me their kisses right away. They wandered around the yard but came running back when I'd call or they'd catch me looking at them. Sophie and Roxy curled up in the grass next to each other and soaked up the nice warm sunlight. They would get up to come by me and get pet every couple minutes. Later, their neighbor dog friend came out, so they ran back and forth along the fence together! Before I left the girls helped me fill their food bowl. Then, they got their yummy treats!
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Prissy & Ally

Today I found little Ally in her usual spot on one of the dining room chairs. Prissy was just hanging out in the corner of the living room by their little scratch post. I cleaned their litter box and filled up their food and water dishes. I came out and found Prissy had curled up on her bench with her toy that was still sitting up there too! I picked up Ally and brought her to the living room with me to give her some attention. She got very talkative! Ally rubbed up against me and loved up every minute of her chin scratching! She walked back and forth across my lap, then laid down next to me and purred away as I pet her. She laid snuggled up next to me the whole rest of our time!
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I came to visit my little roly poly Cali today! She got a new flavor of canned food to work on right away while I cleaned her litter box. Cali did a lot of rolling around on the floor today. It seemed like every time I even looked at her, she'd fall over to her side and start rolling around on her back! She cuddled up in my lap for quite awhile. Cali went and sat in her chair when she heard people knocking on the neighbor's door. Then later she came back to snuggle again. She went crazy for her string today! She was tumbling, jumping in the air, and even chasing after it while holding her mouth open! What a goof! After all that playing, she decided to crunch on her kibble. We played with her string the rest of the time. She will be so happy to see daddy soon!
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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Suzzie, Heiny, Boo, Quartz, Fudge, Fluffy & Kitty Cat

 Miss Kitty was ready and waiting for me when I got in today, following me up to the door and jumping up on her table to get some attention before I went inside.  Boo was waiting for me when I came in and when I came in the door I stopped to put my keys in my pocket and he pawed at my leg like "Hey... I'm down me..." lol, he's so funny.  Again he spent the rest of the visit right by my side the whole time.  Quartz was in the mood for some attention too today, he was waiting for his water to be turned on when I got to the sink :).  The girls got a bunch of lovin today, I pulled up a chair right by Suzzie so I could give her some attention while she was snacking. Heiny would walk in circles grabbing a bite to eat then coming over to get scratched, then going back to the bowl, and back and forth.  Miss Kitty got some more lovin as I was leaving and even walked me out to my car.

Elliot, Daisy & Goliath

This morning Goliath hopped off his chair to say good morning to mr and followed to help let the other two out. It was slightly warmer out this morning, but rainy and drizzly out. They each went potty and came back to the door. Time for breakfast! Goliath took a little longer to finish his food this morning because he was more interested in getting pet! I let them all back out after, to play outside. I kept them in today since it was wet out, but it should be much nicer outside tomorrow for them! Tonight I came in and saw someone was naughty... Goliath had chewed up a cardboard Starburst box! I didn't see any wrapper pieces so I hope it was empty and just smelled good! I let them outside while I picked up. By the time I was finished they were waiting to come in and eat. Tonight they got Bacon flavored food, yum! I let Elliot and Daisy back out when everyone was finished, which wasn't long! Then I ran through the kitchen with them to go play outside some more. Elliot was behind me and was nudging me with his head to go faster!! When we came in they wrestled and rolled around on the floor for a few minutes before bedtime. I was trying to get Daisy into her bed and Goliath decided he was going to instead! I thought that was pretty funny.
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Coco & Puff

This morning the girls were still sleeping until they heard me come in! We went out potty right away before they came in to eat their breakfast. After they finished, they raced around living room, went through dining room, into the bedroom and hopped into a chair! It was pretty warm out this morning so we went for out walk around the pond. When we got back to their yard they quick went potty once more before heading inside. Puff ran to her toys and grabbed a rope. Coco grabbed one too and went over to stick it in Puff's face as if she were saying, "Lookie what I got! Mine's better than yours...". Tonight the girls sat nicely for me before we headed outside to go potty. They ran right back to the door and were ready for dinner. I didn't even have to tell them to sit in their kennel, they just did it automatically! They went potty again after dinner before playtime. Coco and Puff did their chasing around the house for awhile. Sometimes they would be running so fast that they'd jump up into the chair and bounce off the back of it! They kept themselves pretty busy wrestling and chasing. Later I got them a treat and they sat so nicely for me! Such good girls!
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Cali was already laying on the floor and rolling around when I came in today. I guess she knew it was me! I did my usual stuff, then sat on the floor by her. She wasted no time today to curl right up in my lap! She was super snuggly again. She walked circles around me and rubbed up against me, purring away! She heard the neighbors outside talking and going in and out. She would put her ears back and look concerned! She's so funny. She snuggled up in her comfy chair for awhile. We played with her string and she raced around to chase after it. I gave Cali her bowl of food to snack on before I left.
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Daisy & Casper

Today the gate was slightly tilted over when I came in. I went to check and see if Daisy was still on the right side, and she was in her usual spot. I swear she must never move! But both bowls are empty each day I come in... I straightened the gate back up then got their food out. Daisy supervised while I cleaned their litter pans and topped off their bowls. I went right to the closet to find Casper today and he wasn't in his spot. I looked all over and still couldn't find him, so he had to be in there somewhere! I started to look harder in the closet and sure enough there he was! It startled me when I found him. He came out and let me pet him for a few minutes as he rubbed up against doorways on his way out. I fed the fishies and said goodbye for the day to the kitties.
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Clovis, Snickers & Patches

Today Patches met me at the door and walked me to the kitchen. He tried to take bites from all the plates while I was getting the food out! Clovis and Snickers went outside to eat. When Snickers finished he took off around front again. I went out to look for him and couldn't see him anywhere, but then heard him meow at me. He was sitting on thr roof! I got him to come down but instead of running in the house he ran around back again. I opened the door for him to go in, but naughty Patches wouldn't let him! I finally got him in once Patches would leave him be. With all my running around Patches got a little spunky and decided to go for a run too! He ran to the back of the yard, then around to the front and back again as fast as he could! It was pretty funny. I went in and turned the sink on for Clovis for awhile. Patches snuggled up with me until it was time to go.
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Sophie & Roxy

The girls came in today and went straight to the kitchen. They both sat down and glanced back and forth between me and their box of treats! "Can we have a treat, pretty please?" Sophie was too excited to say hi to me that she didn't eat her bone right away. She had set it down and Roxy swooped in and stole it! The girls came at me from all directions with their puppy kisses! Afterwards they climbed on the couch and wrestled around. Sophie came down to roll over in my lap for her daily tummy rub. Roxy thought the couch would be much more comfortable with all the pillows on the floor, so she stuck her head under each one and flipped it off! The girls settled down after a bit and each curled up on a chair. I put more food outside for them. They both stayed inside and curiously looked out the window at me like, "Something's not right... this is backwards!". I said goodbye and gave them their treats.
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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Suzzie, Heiny, Boo, Quartz, Fudge, Fluffy & Kitty Cat

Today I pulled in and Miss Kitty was waiting on the front porch for me!  She gave me her little meow and jumped up on her table as I was getting to the front door, ready to eat.  I got inside and Boo was right there to greet me in his usual spot. He spent the rest of the time right by my side (or he was trying to trip me while I was walking lol).  Boo got his snack right away. He was getting impatient with me trying to get the bag open and decided to hurry me along by standing up against my legs, with claws in use! haha! Afterwards, I got Quartz his drink and let the girls in for supper. While they were eating, I went back out to feed Kitty outside, who was happy for some attention.  After some time with my snuggly Kitty, I went and gave some lovin' to my girls! 

Coco & Puff

Coco and Puff must have had a good night's sleep because they didn't hear me when I unlocked the door this morning. As soon as I said "good morning", I was welcomed with barks! They both sat down before running out from their room into the living room to say hello! I grabbed the leashes and we headed outside for a morning walk! There were no ducks to say hello to today as we walked around the pond. The neighbor dogs said hello to the girls! After we finished with our stroll and potty break, it was back inside for breakfast. Each took a turn at the water dish after they ate all their morning meal. Then it was time to chase each other around the living room, once and a while, stopping to say hi to me! I took the brush out and gave each a short brushing before I left for the morning. Have a great day, girls! Tonight the girls welcomed me with their happy barks, then sat for me so we could go outside. I think Puff is learning naughty habits from her sister! This time she chewed Coco's collar off! I picked up all the pieces I found and put them in the trash. The girls came in and had their dinner. Afterwards, they chased each other around and around. They would take a detour to come see what I was up to, then it was back to wrestling! Puff thought it was time to play with her rope toy, so she went to her basket and brought it out. Then Coco wanted one! They got out another and another until they had six rope toys out to play with! They zoomed around all over the place and eventually tired themselves out for bedtime. Puff did her little cowering in the corner when it was time to go to bed, but with a little coaxing she went. See you tomorrow! 
"When is my family coming home? We miss you"
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