Today I pulled in and Miss Kitty was waiting on the front porch for me! She gave me her little meow and jumped up on her table as I was getting to the front door, ready to eat. I got inside and Boo was right there to greet me in his usual spot. He spent the rest of the time right by my side (or he was trying to trip me while I was walking lol). Boo got his snack right away. He was getting impatient with me trying to get the bag open and decided to hurry me along by standing up against my legs, with claws in use! haha! Afterwards, I got Quartz his drink and let the girls in for supper. While they were eating, I went back out to feed Kitty outside, who was happy for some attention. After some time with my snuggly Kitty, I went and gave some lovin' to my girls!
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