This afternoon the kiddos were all a bunch of sleepyheads! It took them a minute to wake up, then Tiger and Ginger came wandering over to the gate to say hi. We headed outside right away. Scout must have been comfy in her spot, because I had to go get her. She finally got up and followed me outside to join the others. It was a bit warm out, but we spent awhile out in the backyard. They all picked a spot and lounged around for awhile. Ginger and Scout would come by me occasionally for some attention. This evening all three pups were looking out the window at me. We all headed outside to enjoy the nice evening. It had rained for a bit, so it felt a little cooler than earlier. Scout and Tiger did a bunch of exploring, while Ginger got her pet time. Some birds landed in the yard and it was quite entertaining to see Ginger bouncing along after them! When it was time, we headed inside and they each got a treat before bed.
Saturday, July 6, 2013
Ginger, Tiger & Scout
Bella, Louie & Chico
This afternoon the house was quiet when I arrived. The second I opened the bedroom door, the barks began! Chico and Louie were really going to town. Haha! I had opened the back door and I started to let them out one by one. They zoomed off, but then one would come back to check me out as I walked outside. Bella loved me instantly and was pretty much attached to me the whole time! I tried to keep them as settled as possible, so I sat down and let them smell me. Louie came over for a minute, then went to sit in the grass. He seemed pretty itchy today. Chico was the last to come see me, but he did fine and let me pet him right away too. Bella sat and wouldn't let me even think about stopping the pets and back scratches! Louie came over and I found a good itchy spot for him. His leg was going like crazy. We went in and out a few times so they could get a drink and cool off. I tried to get Bella to play fetch, but she was too excited for now. This evening the pups heard me pull up and I could hear them bark a bit inside. I got in and let them all out, and this time they were all outside waiting for me. Bella sat with me awhile for some attention. Later, she went for a sprint back and forth along the fenceline. I let Chico and Louie in and let everyone work on their dinner. When it was time we headed inside. Chico was first to get in his bed again this evening, without me even asking! Then Bella wandered in hers and Louie in his. Such good pups!
Today Mac was already sitting by the gate when I pulled up. He stood up and looked over the top of the fence as I got close. Once inside, he started bouncing all the way to the back. We wasted no time and got right to his game. He wasn't giving up the rope toy so easy today! He would bring it over and let me grab onto it, then he would sit and chomp on it for a few seconds before he'd decide to let me throw it. He took several dips in his pool to cool off. The water was getting low with him going in and out, so I used his water bucket to add some more. As I walked to the spigot the first time, Mac tossed his toy at the back of my legs. "Hey, I'm not done playing yet!" We continued our game while we let the bucket fill up. After he was pretty worn out for the day, I fed him his dinner and gave him a couple treats.
Taz & Clyde
This morning the boys came racing to the front door. They happily went outside for a few minutes to take a potty break. They came back in to eat their breakfast for me. Both boys finished off their bowls pretty quick today. Then, they looked at me to see where I'd go next, with big eyes. They got all excited when we wandered to the garage to get their harnesses on. Clyde was so excited he didn't know what side of me to walk on as we headed to the door! We got a short walk in this morning. We would have gone for longer, but a dog started following us and the boys were tangling me up and getting way too excited. So, to play it safe we headed back home. They spent the rest of the time outside. Taz was trying to look for him through the fence. When it was time, they got their paws cleaned off and we headed in and they got a cookie. This afternoon the boys and I sat out in the backyard. I got them each their dental chew and they worked on that awhile. They did quite a bit of lounging around since it was pretty warm out. Later, the neighbor dog came out, so the boys ran over to the fence to say hi. This evening we headed out back again. I had heard some firework pops in the area a little before I arrived, so we held off on our walk. We actually got to sit outside for awhile before someone lit some fireworks off. Taz was ready to head back inside then.
Jackie & Meeko
This morning Jackie went out potty as usual. He came in while I got their breakfast ready, and waited patiently for me to grab his leash. Jackie bounced around, excited to go for our morning walk. We got a nice long one in again today. This afternoon I didn't see Meeko in his usual spot on the counter. I looked around and he was all snuggled up on the back of the couch. He stood up and meowed when he saw me and made his way over to say hi. Jackie and I headed outside to play, and saw his bunny friend take off across the yard to safety. Jackie brought over his snake toy and we played some tug. He kept cheating, using his legs too! We played some fetch as well. Later, he wanted to play with his stick. One of the neighbors came out and were working in their yard, so Jackie stopped to listen to the funny sounds. I guess Meeko wanted to make a statement today. When Jackie and I headed inside, I saw a couple plants from the window were on the floor! Luckily, they remained in their pots and only a little dirt spilled out. Naughty kitty! This evening it was raining out when I came to see Jackie, so we held off on our walk. I fed the boys their dinner and they both worked on that. Jackie went outside after to do his business. He wandered around out there for a little while, then he came in and we played some tug with his sock toy.
Shelby, Baby & the kitties
This morning Shelby and I went outside right away. Tiny and Bitty wandered in to go get themselves some breakfast. Coco wandered around under the chair and talked to me a bit, then she went inside as well. Miss Shelby just laid out and enjoyed the morning. After awhile I went in to clean the box and feed Baby. He was laying quietly in his cage. All three kitties were ready to head back outside once I finished. Tiny crawled into his little hidey hole and just looked out through the opening. They all decided they wanted to stay out for the day when it was time to head in. I made sure their water dishes were filled before I left.