This morning the girls quickly sat in their kennel for me, then it was outside to potty quick! It was super chilly out, so they sure didn't take long. They followed me into the kitchen to get their breakfast ready. After they ate, they spent some time zooming around the house! Coco would run and hide under the tree until Puff came to get her. Later, they played a game of tug o war with their rope toys! Tonight the girls went potty for me and ate dinner right away. They were pretty mellow this evening! After dinner Coco came and snuggled up next to me for awhile. Puff was busy chewing on her rope toys. They excitedly hopped around next to me a little while I made silly noises at them. I love how they cock their heads to the side and look at you! They did a little bit of chasing after that. We went outside a couple more times before bed. Puff did her cowering in the corner and didn't want to go to bed at first!
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