Friday, September 5, 2014

Katie & Sage

This evening the girls started barking when they saw me come in. I let Katie out first and she zoomed around the yard, then did her business. She roamed around while I cleaned up. Then, she came and sat for me to clean her eye up for her before it was time for dinner. Sage came out for her turn next. She was so excited! She raced around and made sure to get her Kong right away. She kept tossing it to me while I was cleaning out her side. I told her she had to wait just a couple more minutes, so she went to go visit the neighbor dogs. We got some fetch time in before it was her turn for dinner.

Rusty & Ruby

This afternoon I saw Rusty was lounging on the couch. He sat up just enough to see who came in. I let Ruby out, then they followed me outside. Ruby went right out and stretched out across the grass. She had fun rolling around, then relaxed awhile. Rusty did the exact same thing next to her, after she was done. Haha. Rusty wandered around for a bit after that, then headed in. Ruby was on her way to do the same, until I called for her, since she hadn't done her business. She peed, but then she kept laying down and rolling in the grass when I would tell her she needed to go potty. Finally, after a little bit she did. She went in, then I got them some fresh water as they lounged.


This morning Shadow came strolling in the kitchen to see me. He followed me all over this morning. We went to the pantry to get out his treats, then he sat and waited for me to scoop his box. When we got to our spot, he climbed in my lap for awhile. He put his front paws on my shoulders and nuzzled his face on my chin. Such a sweetie. After a little bit, he went to snack. When he returned, he hopped up behind my head and sat on my shoulder, then groomed a bit. This evening I had Shadow's food ready before he got into the kitchen to see me. He brushed up against my leg to let me know he was there. I gave him a few pets, then he went to eat while I took care of the other things. I went and sat in the living room and he came to sit in my lap. He sat there almost the whole time tonight! Shadow just purred away while I pet him. When he had his fill of pets, he was ready to play! He rolled around on the floor and swatted at his feather toy.

Eddie & Butler

This afternoon the boys ran out right away after I let them out of their beds. Butler went out and laid in the grass awhile. Eddie was busy exploring along the fence. They took a break to run over and say hi to me, then went to lay on the patio. Butler went inside after awhile and would keep poking his head out the door to make sure he wasn't missing anything! Haha. Eddie would go in to get a drink and would share his slobbers with me. Silly boy. When it was time to go in, they were both good about going in their beds today.


This afternoon I walked in and was surprised not to see my buddy at the door. I started calling for him, and didn't see him on the couch either. I was beginning to wonder if he was even home! By the time I got close to the back door I heard a scrambling noise and Oscar appeared! He must have been napping. Haha! We said hi, then headed outside. Oscar was wandering back and forth and all over the yard today, checking out noises. He went to the door when he was hot and ready to go inside. We spent awhile playing tug and wrestling around until it was time to go.