This morning I came in and let the pups out right away. It was a very cool and damp morning outside from all the rain last night. Bella and Chico went out to do their business. They explored a little, then came in and Bella worked on breakfast. Chico took his turn while she came over by me to get some pets. Chico snuggled up in the chair with me awhile once he was finished too. This afternoon the sun came out and it was simply beautiful outside! The pups and I headed out back. Chico was busy patrolling the yard for awhile. Later, both pups sprawled out on the patio and soaked up some sun. I let Miss Bella stay out for the afternoon since it was so nice out. This evening I let Chico out and Bella was right at the door to come in. It was still very nice out, so the pups spent most of their time exploring outside tonight. Miss Bella would come and check on me now and then, and of course, get a few pets. Soon, it was time for bed.
Saturday, April 30, 2016
Noell & Navi
Today I came in and set the mail on the counter quick. Navi was right there to say hi. I told her I'd be right back, since I had to go get the package outside. Both girls were in the kitchen when I returned. Noell got her drops and I got their breakfast ready. Noell came out when she'd finished and I grabbed the shoe string for her to play with. It was a short lived play time for her today! As soon as Navi came out, she spotted the string and took over. Noell was the one to hop up on the couch today, and she got some pets while she was up there. Navi was going crazy, having a blast with her string.
Oreo & Stuffs
This evening I came in and didn't see anyone, so I called for the boys. Oreo came to join me in the kitchen shortly after. He got his pill and his dinner to work on. I came out and filled his treat toy, then we went to sit at our spot. Oreo purred away as he got his pets and pawed at his toy for snacks. When he got his fill, he just laid nearby and continued to get his chin rubs. Later, I went to go find Stuffy since he hadn't come to see me. I found him on his ottoman upstairs. I visited with him awhile and he enjoyed some attention time as well.