Tonight the blinds were shifting quickly back and forth as sweet Chelsea girl was peeking through at me!! She stopped me at the door for a hug, then we made our way to the kitchen. She worked on her dinner while I sat nearby. Then, it was time for her favorite thing! I grabbed her leash and we went on a long walk. The air was just starting to cool down, perfect for a walk around the neighborhood. She stopped here and there tonight to sniff at spots in the grass. When we got home, I tossed her ball for her. She ran after it once, but really... she just wanted a treat! We sat in the living room and she got a little tummy rub. Then, she got up and laid by the kitchen. I came to sit by her and she just gave me this sad, pouty face, "Can I have my treat now... pretty please?!". She knows how to tug my heart strings. I made her wait a little longer, which only got her more excited! Finally, she ran into the kitchen and got her bedtime snack.
Friday, January 6, 2012
Bailey & Daphne
Miss Bailey gave me her big hug when I got inside tonight. Her tail was wagging a mile a minute! I love Daphne's cute new haircut! The girls ran outside to do their business. Bailey was right back at the door when she finished. She came in and worked on her dinner quick, while Daphne was still playing outside. Bailey went back out for a few more minutes. The girls both came in and got what Bailey was so excited for.... a treat! I gave her a little rawhide and Daphne a pupperoni. Daphne snatched hers up and took it behind the recliners to eat up quick. Then, she raced out and hugged my leg while I pet her. She zoomed back and forth between me and her safety spot. Bailey was quite playful tonight too! She crouched down on her front legs and would "roo-roo" at me. We all went back outside for a little while. Daphne was just having a blast! She raced circles around the yard and I even heard a few little growls out of her as she went around. Silly girl! When it was time for bed I had to go get her, she was having so much fun. I gave the girls each one more treat before bed.
Suzie, Katie & Blackie
This morning Blackie was bouncing around in the back room when I got in. He followed me to turn on a couple lights. The girls hung their legs over the back of the couch for a quick pet. While Blackie worked on his food, the girls ran over for some attention. Katie did some tricks for me and they both gave me kisses. Blackie went outside to do his business after he ate, and the girls licked his plate. He came racing back in and hopped in my lap! It was so cute! I took the girls for a nice long walk next. We saw a short-haired little Blackie look-alike running around outside! The girls kept watching him as we went along. Their Blackie was safe at home, waiting for our return. We all curled up on the couch together until it was time to go.
Michael, Lucy, Sampson, Hailey, Bunnies, Kisses & Donkeys
Today Michael was much more comfortable coming up to me right away. We went outside and I hooked him on his leash. Lucy was singing me her song while I walked over to the donkeys. Kisses and Tinkerbell came walking up right away, looking for their snacks in my hand. Coco was cautious, but she too got her treat. Tink was following me around closely while I had the food bucket! She let me pet her forehead for a minute before she started on dinner. When I got back up front, Michael knew what was coming next! He was bouncing around excitedly. We went in and got his dinner while I got started on Hailey's stuff. I didn't see her again today, but I peeked around at chairs she could be laying on. Hopefully tomorrow! Uno was very friendly and came to visit me when I opened the door. I made sure to give him his favorite cranberries before I left! Matilda and Elliot were snuggled together so cutely in their cage when I walked in. They curiously sniffed at me while I cleaned up their bed. Matilda was a little angel again while I cleaned her poor eye up. She and Elliot enjoyed working on their carrot while I filled their water bottles and got one for Uno. Sampson was looking in the window at me each time I filled a bottle. He and Lucy were excited for a little attention when I went back by them!