My sweey little Kitty was sitting on her bench under the windows today. She saw me coming and hopped up by her food bowl. She was very talkative today! I pet her for a little while. I love her, she's such a sweetheart! I fed Boo his treats when I got in, and even Quartz wanted treats today! I didn't see Fudge or Fluffy around, so I did a little investigating after I let the girls in to eat. I found the two kitties curled up on the computer chair together! Adorable! Later I cleaned litter boxes with Booboo following me and pawing at my head. Quartz was laying on the bed in Fluffy's normal spot, checking himself out in the mirror. When I went to give Boo his dinner Quartz hopped up and wanted some lovin. I spent the rest of the time with the puppy dogs! They sure had a nice day outside today.
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