This morning Navi came into the kitchen to say hi. The girls waited by the door while I went and turned the water on. They helped me in the bathroom to get their breakfast. The girls snacked while I went to go scoop their "box". There really wasn't anything in there again, so I started to look around to see where they may be going. I found some poo on a rug, so I picked that up. I started typing an email to mom, then, while I was standing right there, Noell came and peed on it!! Naughty kitty! I took the rugs outside and discovered more poo was buried between them. So I guess that's where they've been going. Little stinkers. Haha. After that was all picked up, I met the girls in the living room. Noell came over for some pets and Navi snuggled up into my lap.
Friday, June 17, 2016
Sophie & Roxy
I guess with so much excitement yesterday, I forgot to do my post! Yesterday was super hot out in the afternoon, so I took the girls home with me to enjoy some AC (since their house had the AC broken). It was going to be way too hot for pups to be outdoors. They were such good girls! I went back later on to meet the repair guy. Once he got the air fixed, I gave it a little while to let the house cool down, then brought the girls back home. They stayed inside for the evening. This morning I came over to let them out to do their business. It wouldn't be super hot again until the afternoon, so I let them spend the morning outside. Around lunch time I came back and let them in. Yep, it was toasty out there, and only going to get hotter! At least the house was nice and cool now. The girls came in and ate their dinner. We hung out for awhile, then the girls got to stay nice and cool inside for the afternoon. Later, I came by to let them out for an evening potty break before bed.