Saturday, July 4, 2015

Cate, Bella & Mio

This morning Cate was up and watching for me to come around the corner. I took her out back to do her business. She still didn't want to leave the patio, so I brought the leash out and we walked around for awhile. She came back in and had some time to play in her room while I tended to the other two. Next, I went and watered all the plants. I came back in and Cate was wiggling all happily. I tried taking her out back once more before I tucked her back in bed. This evening, Cate and I went out in the yard. I got her some fresh water, then we worked on trying to get her to do her business. She peed for me out there! Yay! It was on the patio, but hey it's progress! She came in and worked on her dinner while I gave Mio and Bella some attention. Cate ate well for me. She and I went out back and wandered around to see if she needed to go again. After a little bit we went in and she got some play time again.


Tonight I came in and Shadow met me in the kitchen. He loved up on my legs while I got some dinner ready for him. He took a few bites, then followed me to the pantry to get his treats out. He stood and supervised to make sure I got the right amount. Haha. I turned on lights and checked his box. Shadow was waiting for me to return. I sat with him in the living room and he snuggled up with me for a bit. He purred away while he got his pets. Shadow ventured off to go check out his box, then went to snack on some more dinner. After that, he came and plopped on the rug next to me and sprawled out on his side. I guess he was feeling lazy! Haha. We got a little play time in as well.

Susie & Frank Fritz

Today I walked out back and both pups came running from the side of the house to see me! I gave them their hello pets, then went to gather their dishes. Frank was busy trying to sneak kisses while I was grabbing them. Haha! I had them working on their dinners, then I got them some fresh cool water. Frank enjoyed that! After they ate, they each came over for their pets. Frank was having a blast chasing after birds flying overhead. Susie would join by standing up against the railing and barking at them. Later, Frank had his stick to play with again. Susie made sure he shared and went out to tackle him. Haha! They're so funny. I got them each a yummy snack before I left.


This morning I walked in and heard Major by the door. He was right there, ready to come see me. I opened it and he strolled right in this morning. He stood behind me and waited for me to get breakfast ready. He got his insulin while he ate. After breakfast, Major wanted some pets. He stood next to me and enjoyed every bit! I led him back outside and gave him a treat. He seemed to be doing just fine this morning, even with loud booms overnight. This evening, I went out and called for Major. He was napping by his doggie house and hadn't heard me. He got up and followed me inside without any issues. He cried at me that he was hungry for his dinner. Haha. I got him his dinner and he went to work right away. I got him a fresh bowl of cool water for outside. Major was so happy to get his treat tonight before I left and even pawed towards me. Such a sweet boy!

Oreo & Stuffs

Today Oreo met me in the kitchen again. He sat and talked to me while I got his food ready for him. I took a peek in the bedroom quick on my way to their litter box, to see if Stuffy was in there. Nope! Oreo was waiting for me when I finished. He walked ahead of me to our spot and plopped down. He scooted up close to me once I sat down with him. Oreo rubbed his head on my ankle while he got his pets. He adjusted later so I could get his chin rubs in too. I called for Stuffy, but he didn't come to see me this time. So after awhile, I went looking for him. I found him lying on the bottom shelf behind the bar upstairs! Haha. That's a new one for me. I sat by him and gave him some attention as well. Stuffy reached out a paw to me to keep petting him. Awww! :)