Today Buck and Chloe must have been napping when I got there. I opened the office door and they jumped up, seeming surprised to see me. We headed to the back door and Chloe immediately spotted a robin sitting in the yard. She and Buck went racing out the door! Those two went running around the yard, while Bootsie came wandering over to see me. He rolled around in the grass and was loving the warm sun shining on his fur. Buck saw Bootsie being pet, so he came and took over. Buck went and laid in the grass when he was finished, and rolled around with his toy. We played fetch with it a couple times. I found a stick to throw for Chloe, but she wouldn't bring it back! She thought it would be more fun to chew. Chloe had fun chasing after birds and saying hi to the neighbor dog today. They spent plenty of time soaking up the warm sun too. We headed in for a bit so they could eat a little and get one of their treats. We didn't stay in long since it was so nice out. Buck found a ball and came racing over for me to throw it to him. He got tired after one throw. Haha! They each got their last treat as I was leaving.