This morning I walked in and Iris was talking to me. I opened her door, then went to let Panda out. I noticed he had decided to give his towel a bath in his water bowl. Haha. I led them outside, then dried up his bed and got him a dry towel. Phoebe and Boo went out afterwards. I gave Phoebe her antihistamines. Everyone started working on their breakfast once they got back inside. At lunch time, I let the first two out. They spent a bit longer outside, since it was nice out. Panda eventually retuned, but Iris stayed out longer. She was rolling around on the patio again, barking in enjoyment! Boo and Phoebe went out next. Phoebe laid on the patio awhile to soak up some sunshine. Boo was busy exploring around the yard. At dinner time, everyone took their potty breaks. They spent a few extra minutes enjoying the outdoors, then all returned. At bedtime, Panda headed out, while Iris was slowly stretching and getting up. She wandered out and did her business. They came back inside and I sent the girls out for their turn. I got them all some fresh water for bedtime. Miss Phoebe got another dose of Benadryl before bed, since she was still very itchy.