This morning Sophie met me at the back door. She came inside, but I didn't see Roxy. I called for her and walked around the corner... no sign. I was starting to get worried! I called for her again, then she finally came running from the other side. Phew! Maybe she was visiting with Zoey. The girls came in and enjoyed the warm house for a bit. They snuggled up on the couch with me, jumping all over and giving me kisses. After a few minutes, they went to go eat. They polished off their bowls, then Sophie snuggled with me again. Miss Roxy went and hopped up on mom and dad's bed. I think she misses you! She laid there awhile, wagging her tail at me now and again. Silly girl! I sent them out with a snack when it was time to go. Luckily, it got warmer out today than they originally said, so it turned out to be a nice day!
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Sadi & Stormy
This morning I got food ready for the ladies when I arrived. I went to the bedroom and saw Sadi sitting by the window, looking outside. I got them some new food and fresh water, then took Sadi to get her meds. She was pretty crusty today, but I got her all cleaned up. She didn't sound too congested, which was good. She followed me out to the living room. I still hadn't seen Stormy, so I went around looking for her. Sadi kept meowing when I'd walk by. "Brush me please!" I found Stormy sitting out on a chair on the patio. It was a bit chilly out, so I was surprised to find her there. The sun was shining though, so she must have been warm enough. She came inside and joined Sadi and I. The girls got their attention time. Then, Sadi went to eat and Stormy soaked up some more sun.