This morning I came in and went to check on the girls. I heard a little jingle as I got closer, but when I looked in there, didn't see Noell. Then, she popped her head out and came over by her dishes. I got Sadi her medicine and cleaned up her nose for her. I picked up their room quick, then went to go get their food ready. Noell followed along and hopped up on the dining table. She kept watching me as she was up there. Naughty kitty! Haha. She then got down and hopped up on the bar to watch me get her yums ready. She went to eat, while I gave Sadi some attention. She purred away and enjoyed her chin scratches, even rubbing her face on my knee if I stopped. Noell wanted some too when she finished her breakfast. Both girls were loving it up! This evening, Sadi was snoozing in her bed, and Noell in her box. Noell followed me to the living room and waited while I got the girls some more food. She laid on the floor in there this time. Then, she raced me to her spot to go eat.
Tuesday, January 6, 2015
Susie & Frank Fritz
Today, naughty boy Frank found another book from somewhere. Not sure where! I picked that up while they took their morning potty break. This evening, I didn't find anything out of place. Yay! I got the pups their dinners, which they ate promptly. Afterwards, they went out back to do their business and play awhile. They came in all excited and ready for treat time! Frank was carrying his in his mouth like a little cigarette. Haha.
Today I opened the door expecting to see my pal, but he wasn't there. I walked in, then saw him standing in the living room. He was waiting to see who it was. Once he saw me, he came running over excitedly, spinning circles and enjoying his pets. We went out back and he continued to playfully say hi. I missed him too! After a little while, he wandered off. Then, he suddenly bolted across to the other side of the yard. I think he saw a squirrel or something. Haha! His neighbor buddy started barking, so Oscar had to go check that out too. After all the excitement, he lounged around in the grass awhile and soaked up some warm sunshine.