Bailey met me at the door with her tail wagging away! I asked if she wanted to go outside and she ran right to the back door. She did her business then did a couple laps and barked "Happy New Year!". When she came in she went right to the kitchen and stared up at her treats, then back at me! First I had her eat her dinner, then she got her yummy treats. She hopped up in her chair next to me and smelled me for a minute. I grabbed her squirrel to see if she'd play with me. She sure had fun with that! We played a little fetch and she'd get down on her front legs and wiggle her heiny in the air. Once in awhile Bailey would sit by the kitchen and look towards the counter. I knew exactly what she wanted, more treats from her stash! I called her over to me. She got very excited and rolled over for a belly rub. Every time I'd talk to her that little tail would be going a mile a minute! I was sitting on the floor and she came right up and kissed me on the nose! Next we played with her little football. She slid it around and chased all over the kitchen with it. Bailey went outside once more and got one more treat before bedtime!
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