Today I came in and Murdy followed me to the kitchen. He hopped up to his spot to say hi, then waited for me to take care of their things. Charlie didn't come down to see me again at first. He must be bored with me! Haha! When I was done with their room, I found Murdy sitting in the living room waiting for me. He was quite the lovey boy today! He rolled around and made sure I got all his itchy chin spots. I saw Charlie's ears peering over the back of the couch upstairs. He was keeping an eye on me. Murdy and I started to play a bit, then Charlie decided to come down and check things out. Charlie got some pets in as well.
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
Today Oscar met me at the door, with tail wagging happily! I gave him his hello scritches and we made our way to the back. It sure was toasty out today! Oscar came over for some more pets before going to find a spot to lounge. He was having a blast rolling around out in the grass today! Haha. He moved to another spot after awhile so he could keep an eye on the neighborhood. We went in early today since it was so hot out. I grabbed Oscar's lobster and we got some playtime inside before treat time.
Susie & Frank Fritz
This morning I stopped by to let the pups in for the day. They had the fan knocked over and unplugged again. I wonder what they have against that thing?! Haha. This evening I returned and they'd both been good pups again. We headed out and I got them their dinner. I moved the fan even closer up to the wall, so we'll see how it does tonight. After the kiddos ate, they went to go do their business in the yard. Frank came over for some attention. He took a break to go chase after some birds. While he was occupied, Susie took the chance to come over for her share of pets. I got them each a rawhide for a snack and made sure they had plenty of fresh water.
Bella & Chico
This morning I let the pups out when I arrived. They ran out back to do their business. Chico ventured in after that to snack on some breakfast. Bella was busy patrolling the yard. They both got very excited when some people were out walking by! After awhile, Chico came to sit by me for some pets. Eventually Bella caught on and ran over for some too. It was very nice out this morning! This afternoon the heat settled in. I got the pups out of bed and out back for some play time. Neighbor dogs were out at the same time, so that kept Bella and Chico busy racing along the fence. I had them come in a few minutes early so they could cool down a bit and get a drink. Then, I got them their peanut butter snacks when it was time for bed. This evening Bella and Chico zoomed outside right away. I went and sat out there with them, so they came over for their attention. Chico was checking out the fenceline later on to see if his pals were out. Soon, it was time for bed and we went in. Chico was being a little booger at first and didn't want to go! Haha! He did eventually and they both got their bedtime cookies.