This morning Goliath hopped off his chair to say good morning to mr and followed to help let the other two out. It was slightly warmer out this morning, but rainy and drizzly out. They each went potty and came back to the door. Time for breakfast! Goliath took a little longer to finish his food this morning because he was more interested in getting pet! I let them all back out after, to play outside. I kept them in today since it was wet out, but it should be much nicer outside tomorrow for them! Tonight I came in and saw someone was naughty... Goliath had chewed up a cardboard Starburst box! I didn't see any wrapper pieces so I hope it was empty and just smelled good! I let them outside while I picked up. By the time I was finished they were waiting to come in and eat. Tonight they got Bacon flavored food, yum! I let Elliot and Daisy back out when everyone was finished, which wasn't long! Then I ran through the kitchen with them to go play outside some more. Elliot was behind me and was nudging me with his head to go faster!! When we came in they wrestled and rolled around on the floor for a few minutes before bedtime. I was trying to get Daisy into her bed and Goliath decided he was going to instead! I thought that was pretty funny.
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