The boys were right at the door when I came in tonight. I went to put the mail in the kitchen and noticed someone had fun unrolling a bunch of paper towel! They followed me into the garage to get everyone's supper ready. Atti made imself comfortable on the truck again. I picked each of them up and they let me snuggle with them for a minute. They were both trying to sneak out the back door on me! Harvi didn't come out for her food tonight. She hasn't done that before, so I thought that was very odd. I called her for a long time, but she just sat in her house and looked at me. The only thing I can think of, is maybe she slipped in the mud out there and is afraid to again. Her hind end was pretty muddy from what I could see. Hopefully she ventures out later to eat her supper! I went back inside to spend some time with the boys. They started wrestling around and getting very rambunctious! They've been cooped up for two days because of the weather and were itching to get out, so I decided to let the little mischevious ones out for the night. haha!
Monday, March 22, 2010
Koko & Sierra
The girls were both crying a little as I came in this morning, until I got over to them. So cute! Sierra ate all of her breakfast right away for me this morning! When I was cleaning up their potty pads I heard her go back to her bowl and lick at it a couple times. I figured she was probably pretty hungry since she didn't eat for almost a day. So, I put an extra scoop of dry kibble in her bowl and put it in the room for her to munch on later. Sierra and Koko were bouncing up and down at the gate tonight. I tried to get a picture but couldn't get a good one. They're so cute when they do that! Sierra is pretty much back to normal. She was of course too excited to play lighty to eat her supper. I put it in the bedroom for her to eat later. We had extra time to play lighty tonight, so they had a blast! They both were running big circles in the living room, chasing after the light! There was a package on the porch tonight, so I brought it inside before I left.
Miss Ella & Cali
Miss Ella and Cali both came running to the door when I came in today! They both followed me around at first. Cali made herself comfortable in a chair at the kitchen table. I gave her some attention, then went to clean their litter boxes. Miss Ella came into the bedroom and ate some food while I was doing that. One of them threw up on the coffee table and got one of the books on it a little bit. I cleaned the table off and dried the book as best I could. Only a couple pages right on the corner got wet. Afterwards, Miss Ella came and sat on my lap for awhile.
Kira, Bunky & Lisa Lee
Kira was all curled up on top of the blue chair and Bunky was sleeping on the floor again when I came in today. Kira hopped down right away to say hi to me. I went into the bedroom and saw Lisa Lee was sleeping on one of the pillows on the bed. Someone threw up on the comforter, so I picked that up right away. I didn't clean it with anything because I figured it can just be thrown in the wash later. After I cleaned their litter pan and potty pads, I gave them each a treat of their yummy canned food! They all came out and picked a plate. Kira came back by me for some more attention in between eating.
Dakota & Benny
It got really nice out today for our walk! Benny was happy to see me and started racing around the living room in circles! Kota was ready to go too and was telling me to hurry up! The sidewalks were pretty wet with the snow melting, so Kota and Benny had pretty wet tummies. After we got started I think they were trying to race each other! They were both barking and hopping along, but there were no dogs or people out yet for them to get excited about. Later Benny tried to clear a puddle, but landed his back end right in! One house that usually has dogs outside, didn't today. Benny got all excited, but no barking dog! I got them all dried off when we got home and they both laid down right away.
Mattie, Sugar, Buddy, Jimmy & Charlie
Everyone was doing well this morning. Mattie was up right after I let the pups out of their kennels and went outside for me. Buddy coughed about 3 times after I let him out, but not the hacking cough you were saying to watch for. Mattie stayed out for about 15 minutes before she was ready to come in again. She looked a little rough when I got there. When she came in I got their meds and breakfast ready. I was going to put a bowl over by her since she was laying down, but she got up anyways. She ate a good amount of food! After she ate, she seemed to perk up a lot. She went in the living room and rolled around on the floor for a bit. She kept getting up and coming over by me for some attention. This afternoon they were all doing pretty good still. I gave Mattie another Tramadol. She went out for me right away again. She was a little more sluggish this time, but went potty and came back inside. Buddy didn't cough at all this visit. He and Jimmy went over to the side of the house to sun themselves! Then the sprinklers came on and they came running back inside! haha!
Pheonix, Coal & Oliver
The boys were very sleepy this morning! Pheonix came up to me after I was already inside. Usually he is waiting by the door for me. Oliver was snuggled up in the sweatshirt on the couch and Coal was snoozing on his blankie. It was a little cooler out this morning yet, so they did their business and came right back inside. After they got their treats, they all curled up around me and took a nap. This afternoon it got really nice out! The boys were excited to go outside and spent most of the time out there. They explored over by the gate for awhile. I wasn't sure what they were looking for! Then Pheonix and Oliver said hi to Max. Oliver was having fun kicking the remaining snow around with his back feet! Pheonix laid down on the patio in the sun and was really enjoying it!
Aaahhhh... sun feels good!
Pheonix, Coal & Oliver
Coal eating some snow!
"Nu uh! Too cold out there for me!"
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