Monday, May 11, 2015

Sadi & Noell

This morning Noell met me in the kitchen. She was already rubbing up against the cabinets. Noell weaved in and out around my legs as we walked to their room. Sadi was up and sitting in there quietly. I picked her up and got her nose cleaned up, then gave her meds. Noell was busy playfully pawing at my leg. What a goof. She led the way when I went to get their breakfast ready. Sadi nibbled a little bit, then stopped and wandered off. So, I kept trying to put her back by her bowl. Eventually, she began to eat again for me, and ate very well. This evening, Noell met me in the living room, then turned and ran to wait for me in her room. Sadi was awake again, so I got her nose cleaned up quick and applied her eye drops. Noell flopped around on the bathroom floor as I gathered their dishes. Sadi's food was nearly gone, so I got her some more. It took quite a bit of coaxing tonight, but eventually she did eat for me.


This morning Peanut was snuggled up in his bed when I came in. He laid there for a minute while I called for him. I walked over to him to get him up, and he decided to get up and stretch before I got there. He trotted over to the door with me and we went out back. Peanut tip-toed up to the grass, then after thinking about it, made his way out to do his business. When he was done, we went in and got his breakfast. This afternoon, Peanut was snuggled up by the pillows. He got up right away and followed me out back. He did both out in the grass, then stopped to sniff around a bit on his way back. When we got back inside, he was all excited for his treats. I tried to get him to play with his dog for a bit, but he wasn't interested this time. Maybe later!