Cali was right at the door when I came in. She started rolling around all over the floor right away. I could hear her little motor running the whole time. She nibbled on her food and drank some water while I was getting her soft food ready. After that warmed up a little I gave it to her and she ate most of it right away. Then she went back to rolling around on the floor! We played with her little green mouse for awhile till she'd had enough. She let me know! lol She sure did chase that thing around though. Of course after her detours of coming over to rub up against my legs and get pet a little bit. Poor girl... one or both of us had some static electric charge going, so every time I'd pet her we'd both get a little zap!
Oh, and thank you both for the cookies! I told Cali thanks too and told her that daddy misses her very much already!
Friday, December 11, 2009
Duffy & Dory
Patiently waiting for me to throw her ball!
Mattie, Sugar, Buddy, Jimmy & Charlie
All the little ones went potty outside right away this afternoon. It warmed up quite a bit so it wasn't so bad out. I went out with them and we all stayed out for a little bit. Mattie was a lazy girl and didn't want to get up. Jimmy started rolling around in the grass so I had to brush him off before we went in. Buddy was having a hard time trying to get up on the couch. He kept trying with a running start, but just couldn't do it. Finally, after maybe a dozen tries he got up! I was snuggling with the Jimmy and Sugar, while Mattie hadn't left her spot. Eventually she started barking like "hey what about me?" and she came over. Charlie said "hi" while I was there. Then he said something else, but I wasn't quite sure what it was. I gave everyone some treats and put them back to bed.
I think you have a new decoration on the shelf!
It was weird walking without Dakota today. This afternoon warmed up a little, so it was a nicer day to go for a walk. Benny did really well and didn't stop too much. We walked pretty far since I didn't have two of them pulling me in different directions and each of them stopping at different times to check stuff out! lol Benny sure doesn't like Christmas decorations in people's front yards. We passed a large nativity scene and I think that's the loudest I've every heard him bark! He also got upset at a garbage can in someone's driveway. He's so funny! We got back home and played for a few minutes before I left. He was rolling all over the carpet itching himself. So then I scratched his itchy spots for him too!
Mattie, Sugar, Buddy, Jimmy & Charlie
All the little ones were very thirsty this morning! They all ran to the water bowl and drank a long time. Buddy drank so much, so fast that some came back up... No one wanted to go outside today, except for Mattie. She was waiting at the door to go out. Usually she is the last one to get up when I come in. I got them all outside finally except for Sugar, who was under the bed. Once everyone was back inside and getting their meds she popped out, so I grabbed her quick and put her out. She was not happy about that! She was pawing at the door and barking to come in, and I don't think she went potty. So I let her back in. Both her and Jimmy's blankets were wet so I changed them. Guess she didn't have to go! I gave them all their treats and Buddy brought his on top of the couch. Jimmy and Sugar went over to try and get it from him. Buddy accidently knocked it to the floor behind the couch, but thought he still had it. Sugar took off and snatched it up! Buddy searched and searched for it... poor guy! I gave him a new one when he went to bed.
Sugar's waiting so patiently for Buddy to give up his treat!
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