Sunday, September 15, 2013

Susie, Katie & Blackie

This morning all the little kitties were looking at me curiously as I walked in. A few came to sniff at me as I made my way to see the pups. Blackie came to say hi in the kitchen while I read the notes. Katie and Susie were doing their usual thing. I got Blackie's breakfast ready, then grabbed the leashes. Katie came right over and sat shyly next to me, waiting to be hooked up. She warmed right up then and was happy to be pet, while I tried to call Susie over. Susie wasn't having any of that this morning! She would not let me get close enough to get her leash on. I tried for a long time, but she was just too worked up this morning. I fed Blackie and the girls, and opened up the back door so they could go potty if they wanted. I visited with the kitties and cleaned their boxes. We got a little play time in with their toy too. I went back by the pups and closed everything up. This evening Katie was right by my side, ready to go for her walk. Blackie was joining in with the ladies tonight to bark at me a little. He probably can't see me very well in the dark! I got Katie leashed up and this time Susie was getting much closer to me. She was even crying with excitement. However, she just couldn't push herself to get close enough for me to get ahold of her collar. I almost got her once! Katie was sitting there, licking my face while I tried to coax Susie. At least she still loves me. Haha! Since Katie has been such a good today, I decided to take her for a short walk, long enough to do her business. She enjoyed that. Hopefully Susie will join us in the morning. I fed Blackie his dinner and gave the girls their snack. I sat near him so I could keep Katie from snacking on his dinner. She sat right up against me and enjoyed being pet, while we waited for him to finish. I opened the back door and gave the pups some privacy, so hopefully Susie would go potty outside. Meanwhile, I visited with the kitties again and made sure they had enough food, water, and clean boxes. One of the little tabbies was having fun pawing at my head while I cleaned. That made me laugh!

Bradford, ZZ, Heighty & the gang

This morning I was gretted by the adorable Moody! He is so cute. He walked up to me and meowed hello. I stopped to pet him for a minute, then went to make sure he had enough food and water. He sat and watched me, then helped himself to some breakfast. Next, I went out to see the pups. Bradford was especially excited, and was bouncing circles around me. All the pups wandered over to say hi. I refilled all their water dishes, then went to get them their breakfast too. They each picked a spot and got to work. Bradford would come to get a couple pets in between bites of food. I went back in and gave Moody a little more attention before I left.