I let everyone out to go potty tonight. Sugar didn't want to go outside and hid under the bed. Jimmy helped me look for her! He crawled under the bed with her for a minute. She still didn't want to come out. We went and sat in the living room. Buddy came over and crawled on the top of the sofa. Buddy and Jimmy both like to go on the arm behind me and stick their noses in my hair at the back of my neck! Mattie came and sat by me, nudging my arm. Jimmy gets jealous when she does that. After a little bit she was laying down, then itching herself on the carpet by rolling around! Eventually Sugar came out of hiding so I let her outside. Later Mattie went to the back door and started barking so I let her out again, while I started putting the rest to bed. She didn't seem to want to come back in! I think Charlie started saying something when I was watching out the window. Usually he just makes his squaking sound. I had to bribe Sugar to come out, since she went back to hiding. Oh! I also discovered recently that if I say "what's that?" really quickly, Buddy will stop whatever he's doing, perk his ears straight up and stare at me! See below... lol.
Jimmy sitting on my lap, about to lick my face nonstop!
Sugar hiding under the bed. Jimmy is laying next to me peering under the bed.