This morning Coco and Puff were very quiet trying to listen for whoever was home. They went outside potty then came in for breakfast. Again they went straight to their kennel an sat without me saying anything. They're getting to know the routine! After breakfast they did their usual chasing and playing. Coco hopped up on the couch by me and rolled over for a belly rub! She enjoyed that for quite awhile. Puff came running out of the bedroom carrying a car antler! It was the funniest thing! I took it away and put it back. She gave me such a look, "Party Pooper!". Tonight the girls did their business before dinner. They broke their streak of going into their kennel without being told, but I only had to say it once! Later we decided to take a little walk on this beautiful evening! The neighbor dog said hi to the girls on their way back to their yard. Back inside it was all fun and games! This time both girls each grabbed an antler from the bedroom to play with! They're so funny. They zoomed around the house for quite awhile. Coco took a little break and curled up under the Christmas tree. We went out potty one more time, then it was off to bed. Puff had other ideas and started chewing on Coco's ears once inside! See you in the morning!
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